To proceed with claiming the vehicle, it is essential to consider two distinct scenarios based on the seller type.
Seller Type: Individual
Seller Type: Company
If the neccessary fields are not filled out, claiming the vehicle will not be allowed.
Once the claim is successful, a pop-up message will appear confirming the success. Additionally, a claim successful email will be sent to the seller.
pop-up message
Received Email
Upon successfully completing the claiming process, users have the choice to finalize the process by listing the vehicle. However, if they decide to proceed without listing after claiming, they will be redirected to the details page. Here, buyers can reinitiate the listing process if desired.
Furthermore, in the account section, you can easily locate the newly claimed vehicle within the 'Active Claims' table, enabling you to manage your claimed vehicles effectively. If the you wants to unclaim the vehicle, you can use the 'unclaim' option. However, if the you have already accepted any offers, you cannot unclaim the vehicle.
Additionally, expired and inactive claims will also be displayed in this section.
Furthermore, if you breach the terms and conditions, the operator can block your account.